Has nobody asked you how you are
You look like you might not last the day
I wouldn't have made it very far
So we'd make a good team right away
I've not made amends for yesterday
My lip won't get me out of it
Waking up dreading hearing tales
Of all of my nightmares being true
The funniest thing that happened in the last 10349748729 years?
Being told that I'm not cut out for math in my dream, that I'm 'rubbing it the wrong' way.
Like, HUH, you mean I rub a different way the eraser will reveal the right solutions?
..but I'll always remember the terror.
P(get B for math for Prelims)=??????
Anyway, thank God for stolen hours on the seventh floor of the Science building in school, remembering His love, singing.
And for Mummy, for feeding me CONSTANTLY.
And for Pa, who lets me invade his study.
Labels: Thanksgiving :)
go to, then; your considerate stone.
10:58 PM